News story and press release
news story
The Global Wetland Outlook: Special Edition 2021 launch
This new Special Edition from the Convention on Wetlands highlights the importance of wetland services for sustainable development.
Read the news story here:
press release
Wetlands are key to tackling the climate and biodiversity crises – yet we are losing them three times faster than forests, warns new report
Gland, Switzerland, 15 December 2021 – Launched today, the new Global Wetland Outlook: Special Edition 2021 from the Convention on Wetlands shows wetlands offer unmatched opportunities for reducing emissions, adapting to climate impacts and reversing biodiversity loss.
Download the Press Release here:
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Join the launch of the Global Wetland Outlook: Special Edition 2021 and share the latest status, trends and pressures on wetlands – and critical actions to reverse their decline.

Hashtags and key handles
convention on wetlands’ social media accounts to tag
Key handles of the convention
Twitter: @RamsarConv
LinkedIn: Ramsar Convention on Wetlands
Facebook: @RamsarConventionOnWetlands
Instagram: @convention_on_wetlands
Twitter, Secretary General, Convention on Wetlands: @martharojasu1
Convention website: www.ramsar.org
Suggested social media posts
Wetlands are our most threatened ecosystem: with 35% decline globally since 1970
New #GlobalWetlandOutlook from @RamsarConv is a 🌎 wake-up call to conserve #wetlands #ForNature, climate and people
New #GlobalWetlandOutlook shows #wetlands are our most critical ecosystem for
➡️ Climate
➡️ Biodiversity
➡️ Water security
@RamsarConv new #GlobalWetlandOutlook shows wetlands’ services for climate, people and #ForNature outweigh all other terrestrial ecosystems.
But they are most under threat – disappearing 3 x faster than forests.
New #GlobalWetlandOutlook shows unprecedented decline in world’s #wetlands - with 35% 🌎 loss since 1970.
But protection, wise use and restoration works – with @RamsarConv protected Wetlands of International Importance fairing higher in quality + extent.
@RamsarConv #GlobalWetlandOutlook shows climate change is impacting #wetlands much faster than anticipated.
But wetlands are a powerful solution for climate mitigation + adaptation
#RestoreWetlands in NDCs and climate plans.
New @RamsarConv #GlobalWetlandOutlook shows #wetland conservation and restoration is critical to managing climate risks caused by hydrology changes:
Water stress
#Wetlands are our most efficient ecosystems for carbon storage but are most under threat – 35% loss since 1970
@RamsarConv #GlobalWetlandOutlook shows that we must #RestoreWetlands to achieve the 1.5°C goal
#Wetlands are our most biodiverse ecosystems, hosting 40% of 🌎 species.
But they are suffering the biggest losses of all: with 1/4 of wetlands species at risk of extinction
@RamsarConv #GlobalWetlandOutlook shows latest state and trends of wetlands
#GlobalWetlandOutlook shows over half of @RamsarConv Wetlands of International Importance have been damaged by agriculture.
But our food and water security depend on healthy wetlands.
Transforming agriculture to protect #wetlands is critical for human health.
Healthy #wetlands are critical nature-based solutions to delivering
➡️ #Post2020 GBF
➡️ 1.5 goal
➡️ SDGs
@RamsarConv #GlobalWetlandOutlook shows how wetlands are critical to a climate, nature positive future for all
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